Henry Holt Writing Your Dissertation Review

Henry Holt Writing Your Dissertation Review

Table of Contents

Have we ever stared at a half-written dissertation and wanted to fling it into the void? It’s a common feeling, especially when the deadline looms, taunting us like an impatient hawk. Enter “Henry Holt Writing Your Dissertation in Fifteen Minutes a Day Paperback – 15 August 1998″—a title that sounds suspiciously like it’s part of a late-night infomercial but could very well be our saving grace.

Henry Holt Writing Your Dissertation in Fifteen Min     Paperback – 15 August 1998

Find your new Henry Holt Writing Your Dissertation in Fifteen Min     Paperback – 15 August 1998 on this page.

First Impressions: Unpacking the Promises

When we first pick up this book, we might raise an eyebrow at the audacious claim on the cover. Fifteen minutes a day? Really? Our initial skepticism is natural; it almost sounds too good to be true. But like a skeptic trying kale for the first time, there’s an element of curiosity and hope.

Let’s break down the bold promises of this guide. Imagine if we treated our dissertation work more like brushing our teeth and less like climbing Everest. The book posits that a steady, bite-sized approach may actually be the secret sauce to conquering our academic magnum opus.

The Author’s Credibility

Before we get too giddy with excitement, let’s consider just how qualified the author is. It’s not just anyone who can tell us how to distill months of scholarly toil into daily 15-minute increments. The book’s author, Joan Bolker, EdD, co-founded the Harvard Writing Center, and has a couple of decades of experience in helping students across the academic spectrum.

In academia, where credentials can often feel like a game of Pokémon cards, Dr. Bolker stands out, not because she has a Charizard in her deck, but because her advice has pedigree and practical backing.

Here’s a quick albeit informal look at her credentials:

Credential Description
Co-founder, Harvard Writing Center Academic powerhouse and writing mentor extraordinaire
Two Decades of Experience Helping students of all levels wrestle their writing demons
Published Author Not her first rodeo in the literary world

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Diving Into the Content: What We Learn

Having established that Dr. Bolker knows her stuff, let’s get into the meat and potatoes of the book itself. The basic premise is simple, yet its implications are profound. Writing a dissertation can be overwhelming, but breaking it into manageable chunks makes it less daunting. Imagine if every time we approached our keys, we tapped them like we were invincible, even if it’s just a letter a time.

The Fifteen-Minute Magic

We can’t ignore the titular promise—Fifteen Minutes a Day. Most of us tend to be all-or-nothing creatures. Either we’re typing away furiously for hours or avoiding our desk altogether. This book shatters that unhealthy dichotomy.

In those dedicated 15-minute blocks, procrastination has no room to wriggle. When we step back, the collective result of such focused mini-sessions can be surprising. Think of it as the slow and steady tortoise that not only races ahead but avoids burning out.

Psychological Insights

One reason we might flounder with a dissertation is the psychological weight attached to it. We aren’t just writing a paper; we’re crafting a monument to our academic journey. The book delves into psychological strategies to tackle this mental Everest.

Bolker offers practical exercises to help dispel the dread. Consider, for instance, writing letters to friends about our research progress. It makes us step away from the formal tone and connect with the material on a personal level. Plus, it helps us practice talking about our research casually—a skill as handy at conferences as it is at social gatherings.

The Daily Habit Builder

Often, we’re told to treat our dissertation writing as work, but not many of us know how to develop a consistent habit. The book advises creating a daily routine that prioritizes writing as much as morning coffee. Visualizing our day like a Lego castle, with each consistent writing block adding another brick, helps to see the structure taking shape.

Henry Holt Writing Your Dissertation in Fifteen Min     Paperback – 15 August 1998

Find your new Henry Holt Writing Your Dissertation in Fifteen Min     Paperback – 15 August 1998 on this page.

Practical Tips: From Planning to Execution

So, how does the book translate theory into practice? We don’t just need advice; we need actionable steps. It’s like baking a souffle for the first time; reading about it won’t make it rise.

Managing Time and Distractions

Bolker advises us to pick a specific time each day for our writing blocks to help develop routine and discipline. This also means carving out a distraction-free environment, which might involve some negotiation if we have roommates, intrusive pets, or that irresistible Netflix series in the queue.

Setting Realistic Goals

Instead of aiming for a marathon writing day once a week, the guide suggests daily sprints. Setting micro-goals, like writing a single paragraph or revising a small section, builds momentum without us needing to squat in front of the computer for hours on end.

Embrace Messiness

Perfectionism can be an enemy to progress. The book encourages us to embrace the messiness of early drafts. It’s not about getting everything right on the first go; it’s about getting something down on paper. Picture it as the “shabby chic” of dissertation writing—imperfection is still stylishly productive.

Regular Reviews and Breaks

Just as important as the writing sessions are the breaks. Bolker emphasizes the need for regular reviews and reflective breaks to avoid burnout. Being constantly wired into our work can actually be counterproductive, so stepping back occasionally to replenish our creativity is crucial.

Personal Anecdotes: Relatability Quotient

Dr. Bolker spices up her guidance with anecdotal potpourri, making the book relatable. She shares tales of students who found their writing groove through unconventional methods. We read about Tony, who wrote his literature review while embracing a standing desk at a coffee shop, and Maya, who discovered her best ideas emerged in the middle of yoga sessions.

The Struggle Stories

The author doesn’t shy away from the hard truth—writing a dissertation is tough. But these stories validate our own experiences. When reading about others hitting writer’s block or battling imposter syndrome, we feel less alone. It’s like joining a support group where everyone’s addicted to footnotes and citations.

Success Stories

Alongside struggles are stories of success. These are motivational vitamin shots that remind us that the process, while grueling, is surmountable. If others have crossed the finish line, so can we. Henry, who once used fortune cookies to inspire daily writing prompts, eventually published his research, showcasing the weird and wonderful ways progress can be made.

Henry Holt Writing Your Dissertation in Fifteen Min     Paperback – 15 August 1998

Interlude: The Skeptic’s Corner

Just to keep it real, we should address the potential downsides and criticisms. No book is flawless, after all.

Overly Simplistic?

Some critics argue that the 15-minute strategy is overly simplistic for a task as colossal as a dissertation. While being consistent is great, dissertations also require deep, focused work that sometimes extends beyond the wee quarter-hour. It’s worth considering how flexible the method really is.

Personal Responsibility

The effectiveness of Bolker’s strategy relies heavily on individual discipline. Though the book provides a map, it doesn’t walk us down the path. If our inner procrastinator is particularly fierce, no book, no matter how insightful, can do the legwork for us.

Back to Reality: Applying the Book’s Principles

Let’s circle back to practicality—how we can personalize these insights for our unique academic odysseys. It’s like taking a recipe and tweaking it to suit our taste.

Creating a Writing Schedule

A practical way to start is by creating a weekly writing schedule based on the 15-minute rule. This could turn our writing from an overwhelming task into a structured daily habit. Setting specific, realistic goals for each session, and tracking our progress, will be pivotal.

Here’s an example template to consider:

Day Writing Time Goal
Monday 8:00 AM – 8:15 AM Write introduction paragraph
Tuesday 8:00 AM – 8:15 AM Draft initial research questions
Wednesday 8:00 AM – 8:15 AM Revise methodology section
Thursday 8:00 AM – 8:15 AM Write literature review summary
Friday 8:00 AM – 8:15 AM Compile references and format citations
Saturday 8:00 AM – 8:15 AM Review week’s progress and jot down notes
Sunday 8:00 AM – 8:15 AM Take a break or read supplementary material

Balancing Structure with Flexibility

While consistency is key, remaining flexible and adjusting our schedule based on progress and unforeseen hurdles is crucial. We might discover that mornings are not our most productive period and adjust accordingly.

Using Tools and Technology

Leveraging writing and productivity tools can enhance our process. Apps like Scrivener or Evernote can help organize our thoughts and track our progress. Combining Bolker’s principles with modern tech might be the winning combo we need.

Summing It Up: Is It Worth the Hype?

After dissecting “Henry Holt Writing Your Dissertation in Fifteen Minutes a Day,” the verdict leans towards a resounding yes. The book provides practical, psychologically-grounded advice that’s easy to digest and even easier to implement. It blends expert guidance with relatable anecdotes, making the daunting task of writing a dissertation feel less like an insurmountable mountain and more like a series of manageable hills.

If we’re looking for a silver bullet to obliterate our dissertation woes, this book may not be it. But if we need a reliable companion to guide us through the process, offering practical tips and a sprinkle of humor, then “Henry Holt Writing Your Dissertation in Fifteen Minutes a Day” could be just the partner we need. Let’s face it, in the grand symphony of academia, this book might be the conductor that gets us synced with our scholarly rhythms.

So, here’s to us, our trusty guide, and fifteen minutes a day. May our dissertations be ever concise and our stress levels minimal. Cheers to the journey ahead—even if we have to bribe ourselves with the promise of cake every now and then.

Check out the Henry Holt Writing Your Dissertation in Fifteen Min     Paperback – 15 August 1998 here.

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About Me

With 25 years of experience in healthcare IT implementation, Emmanuel began his career at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, working as an assistant manager for a billing system implementation. Over the years, he has explored various aspects of the healthcare IT domain, successfully implementing several laboratory information systems and electronic medical record (EMR) systems, such as Cerner Millennium and Epic EMR.

In 2005, Emmanuel shifted his focus to public health, working on bio-surveillance implementation for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). He contributed to the BioSense Data Provisioning Project and performed extensive analysis of HL7 messages in hospitals and healthcare facilities. Additionally, Emmanuel requirements analysis for the CDC BioSense Analysis, Visualization and Reporting (AVR) project and played a key role in publishing the Situational Awareness updates to the BioSense System Requirements Specification (SRS).

Over the past 11 years, Emmanuel has worked in the Middle East, implementing the Epic EMR system at Cleveland Clinic Abu Dhabi. As a multidisciplinary team member, he has taken on various roles, including SCRUM Master, Project Manager, Integration Engineer, and Platform Engineer. Concurrently working as an adjunct university faculty member, teaching graduate-level courses in Systems Life Cycle and undergraduate courses in Health Information Systems

From a technological standpoint, Emmanuel has designed, installed, and implemented complete hospital integration systems using Rhapsody Integration Engine, MS SQL Server, and Public Health Information Networks Messaging System (PHINMS). He has also developed over 10,000 interfaces some of which coded in Java and JavaScript.

In 2019, Emmanuel expanded his skill set and entered the field of digital marketing, quickly becoming a proficient Digital Marketing Strategist. He has since helped numerous clients develop robust digital marketing strategies for their businesses. His expertise encompasses Social Media Marketing, On-page and Off-page SEO, Google Ads, and Google Analytics. Additionally, he and a team have managed clients’ website development projects, ensuring that each site is optimized for SEO, further enhancing their online presence and performance.

Alongside their digital marketing expertise, Emmanuel has delved into the world of Affiliate Marketing, where Emmanuel and his team successfully managed and executed campaigns for a variety of clients. By identifying the right products and services to promote, Emmanuel and his team helped clients generate passive income streams and increase their overall revenue.

Their approach to Affiliate Marketing involves creating valuable content that educates and engages the target audience, while strategically incorporating affiliate links. Emmanuel and his team have experience working with multiple affiliate networks and platforms, ensuring optimal tracking and reporting of performance metrics. By staying up to date with the latest trends and best practices, Emmanuel and his team have been able to optimize affiliate campaigns for maximum results, fostering long-term partnerships and sustainable growth for their clients.

As an accomplished professional, Emmanuel holds dual Bachelor of Arts degrees in Linguistics and English, a Master of Science in Health Information Systems from the University of Pittsburgh, and a Ph.D. in Information Systems from Nova Southeastern University.

My Teaching History

Professor Bazile is a dedicated technology instructor and Adjunct Faculty professor, who began his teaching career in April 2000 at the Business Career Institute in Las Vegas, Nevada.

In 2001, he expanded his expertise by training nurses in the use of Electronic Medical Records (EMR) systems. His experience in both technology and healthcare led to his appointment as an Adjunct Faculty professor at the University of Phoenix in May 2008, where he has taught several graduate-level information technology and healthcare information systems courses.

Dr. Bazile has also developed an HL7 course, which he has taught at various healthcare facilities, drawing from his own book, “HL7: Introductory and Advanced Concepts,” currently available on Amazon. With a passion for teaching and a commitment to ensuring students get the most out of each course he teaches, Dr. Bazile is a valuable asset to both his students and the institutions he serves.

My Teaching Philosophy

My teaching philosophy as an Information Systems professor in healthcare is built on the concept that education should equip students to be confident and capable problem solvers who are prepared to traverse the complicated and ever-changing landscape of Healthcare IT.

In order to accomplish this, I prioritize the creation of a dynamic and engaging learning environment that encourages students to engage with course material and with one another. This involves employing a range of teaching approaches, such as lectures, seminars, and hands-on activities, to ensure that students learn in the manner that best matches their learning style.

I believe the reason we have Information Systems as a discipline is to allow students to apply technology to solve real world problems. If that is the case, both undergraduate and graduate students have to be challenged to incorporate their core academic courses with their matriculated subjects. As such, it is important that students enter their Junior and Senior years with a strong command of the core courses such as Programming, databases, networks, hardware and software, as they serve as the foundation upon which real-world solutions will be built.

I also believe in the importance of incorporating real-world examples and case studies into my courses, as this helps to connect abstract concepts to practical applications. Additionally, I encourage students to apply what they are learning to their own personal and professional goals, as this helps to make the material more meaningful and relevant to their lives.

I strive to foster a positive and supportive learning environment where all students feel comfortable asking questions and participating in class discussions. I believe that this is key to fostering a sense of community and ensuring that all students have the opportunity to succeed.

I have also taught online courses. I have found in an asynchronous learning environment it can be difficult to apply the Peer Teaching or Experiential Learning Pedagogical Approaches. However, I have found the Discovery Learning approach to works quite well. Along with a boost to students’ self-confidence, Discovery Learning in an online environment allows students to synthesize information, expand on existing concepts on their own, while experiencing a positive outcome through trial and error.

Ultimately, my mission as an educator, and a Healthcare IT Information Systems professor is to provide students with the knowledge, skills, and confidence they need to thrive and succeed in their careers and to be technological leaders. By creating a positive and supportive learning environment, incorporating real-world examples and case studies, and encouraging students to apply what they are learning to their own objectives; my hope is to inspire and empower all students to achieve their full potential.

Population Size:

A total of 310 responses were originally received. Any response containing missing data due to unclicked radio buttons or unchecked checkboxes were first reviewed, and, if justified, were omitted from analysis. For surveys with missing data, a total of 18 responses were removed. In order to address any issues with response-set, the data was downloaded into Microsoft Access and queries ran to identify responses that contained the same values for each question. A total of 16 responses were found to be qualified for removal. Another 18 were identified as outliers and removed leaving a total of 258 responses for the study analysis.

In order to assess multivariate outliers, the Mahalanobis distances were calculated and plotted against their corresponding Chi-Square distribution percentiles (Schmidt & Hunter, 2003). The resulting scatterplot is similar to a univariate normal Q-Q plot, where deviations from a straight line show evidence of non-normality. The data showed indications of moderate deviations from multivariate normality, as indicated by the concavity of the data points. There were no additional multivariate outliers or missing values in the data after the removal of 52 responses.

Descriptive Statistics

Frequencies and percentages were conducted for the demographics indicators, while means and standard deviations were calculated for the continuous indicators. For gender, there were 151 females (59%) and 107 males (41%) in the sample. For ethnicity, most participants were Caucasian (119, 46%), followed by African American (56, 22%). The two most populous education levels were Bachelor’s (90, 35%) and Master’s (62, 22%). The biggest proportion of the sample by age group was the 35-44 age group (101, 39%) followed by the 45-54 age group (59, 23%).


Confirmatory Factor Analysis and Composite Reliability

A CFA was conducted along with a reliability analysis to assess construct validity. Examination of modification indices and factor loadings indicated that CSE1, CSE5, CSE7, PC5, ATE1, ATE6, ATE8, PP5, and PP6 were all causing significant problems with the model parameters. The results of the last iteration of the CFA performed in R showed significantly improved fit, although still poor overall (χ2(545) = 2125.61, p < .001, CFI = 0.82, TLI = 0.81, RMSEA = 0.11). The high degrees of freedom indicate that a very large number of parameters are being estimated in this model.

Composite Reliability

For the full model, each construct had excellent reliability. The ATE latent construct had a composite reliability value of 0.89. The ORC construct had a composite reliability value of 0.94. The CSE latent construct had a composite reliability value of 0.85 and PC had a composite reliability value of 0.95. For PP and RES, the composite reliability scores were 0.80 and 0.96 respectively. These values indicate that the loadings for each construct were all directionally similar, and that the items in each construct show a high degree of consistency.

Cronbach’s Alpha

Cronbach’s alpha values were calculated for the items in each construct. The alphas for PC (α = 0.90), AXY (α = 0.94), and RES (α = 0.94) indicated excellent reliability. The alphas for CSE (α = 0.80), ATE (α = 0.88), and PP (α = 0.83) all showed good reliability. These values confirm the results of the composite reliability tests, and reiterate the high degree of reliability within each latent construct.

Partial Least Squares – Structural Equation Modeling

A partial least squares- structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM) was conducted to determine how well the data fit the proposed model, and discern whether significant relationships existed between the independent and dependent constructs. The full model showed AVE values of 0.53 for ATE, 0.69 for AXY, 0.44 for CSE, .72 for PC, .35 for PP, and 0.81 for RES. The high values for AXY, PC, and RES indicate that the amount of variance accounted for in the manifest variables is sufficiently high. The values for ATE, CSE, and PP indicate that some of the variance in the manifest variables is left unexplained.

Structural Model

Once the measurement model had been tested for model specification, the structural model was tested to determine if ATE, AXY, CSE, PC, and PP had a significant effect on RES. A path weighted model was calculated using 10,000 bootstrap samples in R. The results showed a pseudo R-squared value of 0.78. This indicates that approximately 78% of the variance in RES is explainable by the collective effects of CSE, PC, ATE, PP, and AXY.

Further examination of the effects indicated that AXY had a highly significant effect on RES (= 0.87, < .001). This indicates that a standard deviation increase in AXY increases the expected value of RES by 0.87 standard deviations. CSE did not have a significant effect on RES (= 0.02, = .423). Additionally, CSE (= 0.02, = .423), PC (= 0.05, = .334), ATE (= 0.00, = .983), and PP (= 0.03, = .407) did not have significant effects on RES. Table 11 outlines the results of the path estimates.

Correlation Analyses

Both Pearson and Spearman correlations were calculated on the composite scores. The results of the Pearson correlations indicated that CSE was significantly correlated AXY (= 0.22, < .001) and RES (= 0.21, < .001). The results also indicated that PC was significantly correlated with ATE (= -0.79, < .001), AXY (= 0.18, < .001), and RES (= 0.20, < .001). ATE was significantly correlated with AXY (= -0.19, < .001) and RES (= -0.19, < .001). AXY was significantly correlated with RES (= 0.85, < .001).

ANCOVA Analyses

An analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) was conducted to determine if a significant relationship existed between the AXY, PP, CSE, PC, ATE scores and RES controlling for Gender, Age, Ethnicity, Education, and Specialty. The overall model was found to be significant (F(63,194) = 53.39, < .001), with an R2 value of .95, indicating that 95% of the variance in RES was explained by the collective effect of the independent variables and covariates.

Since the overall model was found to be significant, the model’s covariates were assessed. The AXY (F(10,194) = 262.20, < .001), ATE (F(7,194) = 2.20, = .036), Years computers (F(1,194) = 5.71, = .018), and PC (F(12,194) = 2.00, = .026) scores were found to be significant, indicating that a significant amount of variance in RES is explained by AXY, ATE, and PC.

A path diagram depicting the results of the structural model.


This research investigated Computer Self-Efficacy (CSE), Perceived Complexity (PC), Attitudes toward EMR Systems (ATE), Peer Pressure (PP), and Anxiety (AXY) to determine whether these constructs as individuals, or as a group, or coupled together with some other factors could significantly explain resistance to EMR systems. Quantitative examination of self-reported survey results was performed to understand the strength and significance of the relationships, while these relationships were investigated to test the strength of model fit.

the regression paths of the structural model were examined to test the hypotheses. Significance was determined using an alpha level of .05. The model had an overall R2 value of 0.78. This indicates that approximately 78% of the variability in RES can be accounted for by CSE, PC, ATE, PP, and AXY. Since the overall model was significant, the individual coefficients can be interpreted. Some of the hypotheses were supported by the results of this study, and some were rejected. The construction of a data model of the relationships in this study could not meet thresholds that would be evidence of a good fit of the relationships identified in the study.

The fifth hypotheses tested the influence of AXY on resistance to EMR systems. AXY was expressed to be significantly related to resistance (r=.87, p<.001). This finding supports the hypothesis that anxiety with the EMR system will lead to medical care professionals rejecting use of the system. Unlike the findings of the first four hypotheses, the findings of the current study support previous research. Angst and Agarwal (2009) indicated that AXY is a factor which is significantly related to the problem of EMR system resistance. Based on the empirical findings of previous research, the present research and conceptual propositions and conclusions in previously written scholarly articles, there is a great deal of support for the finding that AXY is significantly influenced by EMR resistance.

The findings of this research do not support all findings by previous researchers, and there are multiple relationships which had been established as being significant that were identified as being insignificant in the current research. Generally, because of the inconsistency of previous findings and the current study there may be elements related to the sample examined or other contextual factors which may contribute to the inconsistency that exists. Ultimately, it is suggested that there be further research done on the problem of resistance to EMR system use.

Ultimately the findings support a new take on the problem of EMR system resistance that may contribute to the ways in which scholars investigate the problem of EMR resistance in general. This may also help with the way practitioners approach EMR systems, and articulate value of the systems to medical professionals investing record-keeping systems in the workplace.